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Acquisitions: Bass Pro Shops acquires competitor for $5.5 billion

On Behalf of | Oct 20, 2016 | Mergers & Acquisitions


When two large, popular companies join forces, it usually makes national news. This type of business transaction is usually accomplished by mergers and acquisitions. For Louisiana residents who are familiar with Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s — two national outdoor sporting goods retail chains — the recent announcement by these two companies likely did not go unnoticed.

According to recent reports, the combining of Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s will be done via an acquisition. Bass Pro Shops will be acquiring Cabela’s, reportedly paying $65.50 per share to Cabela’s stockholders. The total amount of the transaction is said to be $5.5 billion. The transaction will not affect owners of Cabela’s credit cards

From there, the reports don’t have many details about what the two companies will look like in the aftermath of the acquisition. In some acquisitions, the acquiring company is all too happy to allow the company that is being purchased to continue to operate much as it had previously — the acquiring company becomes a “parent” company, overseeing operations. However, when two similar companies are involved in this type of transaction, like the outdoor sporting goods companies in this case, it is not unusual for the acquired company to be re-branded. Thus, it is entirely possible that Cabela’s locations throughout the country will become Bass Pro Shop locations.

Most Louisiana business owners probably won’t be involved in billion-dollar mergers and acquisitions, but they may be interested in expanding their companies by similar means. As this recent report shows, buying a company may be a great way for a business in Louisiana to take the next step.

Source: dailyinterlake.com, “Bass Pro Shops hooks Cabela’s acquisition,” Oct. 9, 2016
