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Changes to the state’s divorce waiting period being considered

On Behalf of | Apr 24, 2017 | Family Law

Among the things that can have impacts in divorces here in Louisiana is the state’s mandatory divorce waiting/separation period for no-fault divorces. Currently, the length of this period is different for divorcing couples with minor children than it is for couples without minor children. The former are generally subject to a one year waiting period. Meanwhile, the latter generally only have a waiting period of a half year.

A bill here in Louisiana seeks to equalize the divorce waiting periods of these two groups. Specifically, it would shorten the waiting period for parents of minor children down to half a year.

Opponents of the bill argue that divorce waiting periods can help promote reconciliation and that the divorce waiting period for parents of minors should remain where it is.

Proponents of the bill, on the other hand, argue that reconciliation during divorce waiting periods is fairly rare and that longer waiting periods can have negative consequences such as increased conflict in divorces of parents.

What impacts do you think shortening the divorce waiting period for parents of minor children would have on things like the level of parental conflict in Louisiana divorces?

How acrimonious a divorce between parents proves to be can have many impacts, including impacts on the kids. So, keeping unnecessary conflict out of their divorce may be among the big goals parents have when splitting. Family law attorneys can advise divorcing parents on what legal options they have when it comes to their divorce that may be able to help with keeping the potential for conflict down.

Source: U.S. News & World Report, “Proposal Would Shorten Divorce Wait for Parents in Louisiana,” Melinda Deslatte, April 18, 2017
