There are many things that you need to think about if the relationship between you and your child’s other parent ends. Whether you are going through a divorce or simply split up, you will have to determine what is going to happen with child custody. We are here to help you determine how to address the child custody considerations that are present in your case.
One thing that you have to consider is who is going to have the child when. This can be a complex matter for some people because of varying work schedules. People who work on oil rigs or in the trucking industry might not be able to have a child custody schedule that is set in stone. Using creative custody methods might help to get these matters resolved.
You have to make special plans for special events. In Louisiana, this means making plans for who will have the child for Mardi Gras, as well as other major holidays. Don’t forget to work out who will have the child during school breaks. Another consideration in Louisiana is what is going to happen in a hurricane. Some people, such as state workers or police officers, might be on call for hurricanes, so they wouldn’t be able to have the children with them.
We understand that you might be concerned about all of these points. It might seem like trying to cover everything is going to be difficult or even impossible. We are here to help you to figure out what you need to think about and to try to come up with solutions that put your child first.